Jenny Decker is embarking on an extraordinary journey to become the first female solo sailor with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease to circumnavigate the globe. CMT is a hereditary neurological disorder that progressively damages the nerves in the arms and legs, leading to loss of motor and sensory function.
Dustin Reynolds, known as the "Single-Handed Sailor," is a remarkable individual who, after losing his left arm and leg in a 2008 accident caused by a drunk driver, became the first double amputee to circumnavigate the globe solo. Embarking on his journey in June 2014 from Hawaii, Dustin sailed westward, covering numerous countries and territories, and returned in December 2021, marking a historic achievement.
Sam Holmes is an inspiration to solo sailors and adventurers around the world. Known for his incredible solo voyages and engaging storytelling, Sam has proven that even living with a chronic illness like ulcerative colitis doesn’t have to hold you back from pursuing your dreams.
Maggie Tretton is the creator behind Let’s Talk IBD, a YouTube channel dedicated to raising awareness and fostering open conversations about life with inflammatory bowel disease. Maggie shares her personal experiences with honesty, humour, and compassion, creating a supportive space for those navigating similar challenges.
Mikalai Senkin composed, performed and produced the theme tune 'Nature Perfection’ used in the Sailing in Hope video productions.